SRS Genetics benefits of commercial membership

Benefits of SRS® Genetics Commercial Membership

Why sign up today? 

Commercial Membership to SRS® Genetics will add valuable insights to support your operation while supporting your marketing advantage.

The Benefits of SRS® Genetics Commercial Membership includes: 

  • Exclusive access to SRS® Certification and application of unique SRS® sheep identification tags^^
  • Access to discounted management tags**
  • Exclusive access to SRS® Wool marketing opportunities
  • Specialist Flock Classing by SRS® Genetics specialists
  • SRS® Stud ram purchase rebate up to the value of $600*
  • Access to SRS® Genetics Group Chat for real time Q&A as well as online presentations
  • Access to RWS Group Certification
  • Exclusive use of the SRS® Genetics trademark for use in advertising and promotion
  • Participation in SRS® Genetics Research and Development, access to participate in research and receive findings
  • Access to Classimate, a visual assessment tool standardising scoring
  • Access to SRS® Genetics advertising opportunities including published features, SRS® Genetics website and social media platforms
  • Exclusive access to discounted Lambs Alive membership with specialist sessions for SRS® Members only^
  • Exclusive access to SRS® Genetics Wool Testing rates supplied by Riverina Wool Testers
  • Exclusive market access with presentation of wool clip to International buyers through WOOLCONSULT Int. Pty Ltd

*All Stud and Commercial Members are eligible for a ram purchase rebate of up to $600 when purchasing rams from SRS Stud Members
**Through bulk buying power SRS can aid in securing management tags for your business economically
^Discounted membership to Lambs Alive applies one time only, for more information including pricing contact SRS Genetics.
^^The Unique Identifier Tags are exclusive to SRS and can be read using a smartphone camera as well as including RFID technology.

SRS® Genetics recognises the importance of the legacy of Dr Jim Watts. A trail blazer, ahead of his time; a true innovator and influencer with unrivaled passion and commitment, Jim was responsible for developing the Soft Rolling Skin® method of breeding sheep by visual and objective selection to optimise fleece quality and quantity. These methods are also recognised for producing sheep that do not require mulesing, while increasing lamb production, survival, and natural resistance to fly strike.